Just getting 8-9 hrs battery backup with normal usage.
@ASUS ZENBOOK @Asus5®oG it's been just 9 months now...facing this battery issue
Bad battery drain issue
First of all , by 8-9 hours do u mean both combibe usage and stanby or only 8-9 hours SOT
And second , i haven't made a thread coz i am being lazy but most of the users a facing issuee with battery life as i had the same problem and my best guess is something wrong with my carrier as i gave logs to asus but they didn't find a thing and with flight mode enabled, my overnight drain of 8 hours is 0% so it makes sense coz with on wifi and signal on (not on data) , it was around 15% avg overnight drain.
@Anders_ASUS @Gustav @Gustav@Gustav_ASUS you guys should really start taking logs from everyone as i saw so many people complaining about battery drain and i am damn sure its something with carrier