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Asus Rog Phone 3 Black Crush Pixel Issue Not Solved after latest 0.78 update

Star III

Model Name: Asus Rog Phone 3
Firmware Version: QKQ1.200419.002.WW_Phone-17.0823.2008.78
Rooted or not: No
Frequency of Occurrence: Regularly
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Most of the app has the issue when dark screen appears. Mainly watching videos on YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime, ect..
From I brought this phone at that time onwards I'm facing the black Crush pixel issue. 2 time I got updates from Asus, Recently on September 28th I updated the phone( update version : Phone-17.0823.2008.78 ).But again the same black Crush pixel issue still their. If it's issue with the software please update it very fast, because like me all the customers are afraid, it's a premium phone from you, so you should resolve it ASAP for sustain in the market.
I try to get replacement from the flipkart but they are not ready to do so, because technician doesn't know about this issue..🤷🏽‍:male_sign:, so they gonna give feedback like problem resolved and my replacement request was rejected. But still my problem remaining same..🤷🏽‍:male_sign:
Only we need to get resolve this issue very fast apart from that this phone is beast.
Attaching my screenshots and pics for your reference.


Community Legend III
@sehi Thanks for your feedback on this topic, it's appreciated. 🙂

Star III

@sehi Thanks for your feedback on this topic, it's appreciated. 🙂

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Hi, is there any updates coming for solve this black Crush issue...? Because now low brightness I'm not facing the issue but when I increasing the brightness black Crush is very much visible, not able to watch videos in the same ampiar...😔 Please resolve it ASAP or else you guys gonna loose the customer's
trust. Even now battery drain and heat issue started after that update... But that not a big issue because I'm always using the phone with 144 refresh rate but sometimes when I felt like battery draining very fast. I think because of some inbuilt system application. Please work on it. I'm sure you guys will resolve it but do it little agressive and fast.... Thank you... Lots of love...:heart_suit:

Star II
Witam wszystkich mam to samo co wy i nie tylko ja ale też moi znajomi co kupili telefon, nie zrobią nic z tym to nie wada oprogramowania lecz wydaje nam się że wyświetlacza ale to tylko nasz domysł a tak naprawdę to jutro oddajemy telefony bo jeszcze możemy chcę pieniądze odzyskać szkoda bo telefon fajny ale ASUS trochę oszukał wszystkich... Dobry dzień

Star I
Today received my phone rog 3 crush issues will the problem will be solved or should I give back the phone

Rising Star II
I want to know that black crush is a hardware or software issue on the phone.