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Light zone and keyboard menu has gone

Star I
System: Windows 10
Battery or AC: AC
Description: Light zone and keyboard menu has gone
Model: G731GV-EV012-Gaming
Frequency of Occurrence: Always
Reset OS: Yes

I did everything but it didn't work out. I have been involved for three days.antivirus turn off. I updated several times and reinstalled. I have the problem, the laptop light zone and keyboard menu in armoury crate is gone, i don't know why but this problem begin after update keyboard firmware on myasus apps, i try to reset my pc and go to asus service center but they can't fix my problem, i hope asus fix this problem because i can't turn off the bottom light of my rog, sorry for my bad english

Star I
I have this issue as well, please help

Community Legend II
Dear both, New version of Armoury Crate has been released. Please kindly update it and let me know if the problem persists. Thank you.