hi bro in my laptop fan not rnunningg bro pls help me bro
System: Battery or AC: Model: Frequency of occurrence: Reset OS: Screenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:
System: Battery or AC: Model: Frequency of occurrence: Reset OS: Screenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:
Trying to register but seems its been registered before any way to claim as my own? bought second hand.
Hello, I have a problem with the registration of the product. I created an account, registered the product and everything was ok. I logged out of the account and now when I log in, it's gone. When I try to register it, it says that this product is al...
I found some chats on PN50.I received my PN50 barebone recently and try to bootup without success.BIOS can not detect any USB devices nor hub, so I searched online communities and finally reached here.Is there some success cases on DIY to get compati...
System: Windows 11 ProBattery or AC: BothModel: FA506QMBios Version: 311Frequency of occurrence: AlwaysReset OS: Reset and ReinstallScreenshot or video: Yes========================Detailed description:Recently when I tried to use my laptop keyboard t...
Hi, I ordered an ASUS M515 with an AMD Ryzen 7 processor and my order was suddenly cancelled and I was also refunded. Can I please get an explanation? It was processing for about two days before the cancellation.
System: Battery or AC: Model: Frequency of occurrence: Reset OS: Screenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:
Estimado @Blake_ASUS ,Estoy teniendo el mismo problema aquí. Mi número SN es incorrecto (SN1234...) y no puedo apagar la luz del teclado.¿Puedo pedir amablemente su apoyo?¡Gracias!
Hello,Does anybody know if the ProArt 16 OLED notebook will be available this year in Germany? I am looking for a W7600H5A-L2013X with QWERTZ keyboard layout.Thanks and regardsAlex
System: Windows 11 HomeBattery or AC: bothModel: G513QYFrequency of occurrence: all time while gamingReset OS: noScreenshot or video: After ========================Detailed description:After Armoury Crate Update i get ~ 100 C on Radeon RX 6800M du...