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RT-AX56U Setup as an AIMesh Node Disconnects from RT-AX58U as Primary Router

Star I

I have had the RT-AX56U router setup as an AIMesh Node successfully since purchasing it. Recently, perhaps last week, the Node disconnected. I reset the router and stepped through the AIMesh Node setup process a few times but with the same result.

After rebooting both the RT-AX58U the RT-AX56U connects as an AIMesh Node and then disconnects after about 30 minutes or so.

Has anyone else experienced the same?

Log file attached.


What I would like to add is the current config I have had to switch too to achieve a stable connection.
1. Powerline adaptor connects to WAN on RT-AX56U
2. Powerline adaptor connects to LAN on RT-AX58U
3. System Settings > Ethernet Backhaul Mode > Enabled
If I have the RT-AX56U setup as a pure WiFi based AIMesh node it disconnects after about an hour and remains disconnected.
Hope that helps.

Star I

At the moment because I can't use the RT-AX56U as a wireless node I've used the following solution that's been working really well:

1. Powerline adaptor connects to WAN on RT-AX56U
2. Powerline adaptor connects to LAN on RT-AX58U
Via a browser:
3. AiMesh > System Settings > Ethernet Backhaul Mode > Enabled
4. (With Smart - Wireless Connect Rule enabled) Network Tools > Smart Connect Rule > Enable Load Balance
With point 4 enabled I've got a roughly 50 / 50 split of devices at the front or back of the house.