11-18-2023 06:23 AM
After updating RT-AX86U Pro firmware to yesterday 11/17/2023 the thermostats I have on the guest wifi network keep disconnecting. At the thermostat I can forget the guest network, then reconnect. The connection only lasts for a minute before disconnect. This is a new issue after firmware update. These are Honeywell TH115 thermostats using the Total Connect Comfort app for remote access. A Rachio sprinkler controller on the guest wifi is still connected.
I did reach out to support. Any suggestions?
11-18-2023 11:22 AM
After noticing various connection issues on guest network SSIDs I ended up eventually turning guest network off and putting all my IoTs on the main SSID. (This is a different router, a GT-AXE16000)
I’d suggest moving the ones having trouble over to the main network…
11-18-2023 04:01 PM
The thermostats do keep a connection to the regular network, but I don't want to keep this setup. They were on the guest network for security reasons and the problem only started after the latest firmware update.