Just upgraded to the latest FW on my three node BE14000 system with a BD5 node. After the upgade getting errors in the log. Snip below:
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: [cfg80211] send auth resp to a8:64:f1:89:be:c1 (alg=3, transaction=2, status=1)...
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: 7990@NOTICE.MLME,rai2,MacTableDeleteEntry() 1627: (caller:hostapd_auth_resp+0x3ac/0xe38 [mt_wifi]): wcid 38 =====
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: 7990@NOTICE.MLME,rai2,_MacTableDeleteEntry() 2068: Del Sta:00:00:00:00:00:00, Wcid 38 del=1
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: [cfg80211] rai1 received auth from a8:64:f1:89:be:c1 (alg=3, seq=1, status=0)...
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: [cfg80211] send auth resp to a8:64:f1:89:be:c1 (alg=3, transaction=1, status=0)...
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: 7990@NOTICE.HIF,rai2,hwifi_add_sta() 249: entry 00000000d5b86e27, sta :000000005be63ad0, wcid = 38
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: [cfg80211] rai1 received auth from a8:64:f1:89:be:c1 (alg=3, seq=2, status=0)...
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: WiFi@NOTICE.RSV,CFG80211_ExternalAuth() 2096: 80211> ==>
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: WiFi@ERROR.RSV,CFG80211_ExternalAuth() 2105: iftype:3
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: [cfg80211] send auth resp to a8:64:f1:89:be:c1 (alg=3, transaction=2, status=1)...
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: 7990@NOTICE.MLME,rai2,MacTableDeleteEntry() 1627: (caller:hostapd_auth_resp+0x3ac/0xe38 [mt_wifi]): wcid 38 =====
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: 7990@NOTICE.MLME,rai2,_MacTableDeleteEntry() 2068: Del Sta:00:00:00:00:00:00, Wcid 38 del=1
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: [cfg80211] rai1 received auth from a8:64:f1:89:be:c1 (alg=3, seq=1, status=0)...
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: [cfg80211] send auth resp to a8:64:f1:89:be:c1 (alg=3, transaction=1, status=0)...
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: 7990@NOTICE.HIF,rai0,hwifi_add_sta() 249: entry 00000000d5b86e27, sta :0000000031cd45eb, wcid = 38
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: [cfg80211] rai1 received auth from a8:64:f1:89:be:c1 (alg=3, seq=2, status=0)...
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: WiFi@NOTICE.RSV,CFG80211_ExternalAuth() 2096: 80211> ==>
Mar 20 12:01:58 kernel: WiFi@ERROR.RSV,CFG80211_ExternalAuth() 2105: iftype:3
Will submit additional info via feedback.
FYI.....The app FW mentioned that the upgrade on one node failed. However, the app and the Web GUI listed the correct version number. But, the Ring cams could not connect to the node. I manually reinstalled the BE14000 FW on the node. Still no Ring connect. I downgraded to the previous FW version. Ring worked. I upgraded again to 56839. Ring worked after that. Just some work to wise! 🙂