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One-handed mode - narrow the screen

The current one-handed mode will only reduce the height of the image. I have a small hand and have trouble reaching the opposite edge of the screen with my thumb. On my previous Xperia XZ2 Compact, you could adjust the width as well as the height of ...

SIMx identification Text and/or Color for entering PIN codes.

Start at the beginning, as soon as the Rog Phone 5 is switched on SIMx identification for entering PIN codes.Here is an example, we can see on this smartphone that the operator is displayed AND the SIM is of the color chosen previously in the paramet...

FunBike31 by Community Legend I
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Game Genie System Mode selection

I'd like to be able to change the system mode automatically when launching games selected in Game Genie, that way I could use a less power hungry mode for daily use and a high performance mode for gaming

b0ttl3m4n by Rising Star I
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Auto refresh rate

Please change how the auto refresh rate works. Make it that after a couple of seconds of not touching the screen, to go back to 60hz; and as soon as a touch is registered change it back to 90.That would save so much battery, especially while watching...

Face Recognition - Add option to 'Swipe to enter Home Screen'

Hello. The face unlock is working well. But I was hoping an additional setting could be added. Currently, I often want to use the lock screen audio controls for example. However, the face unlock is so fast that it unlocks just as I go to press a butt...

dsg38 by Star II
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Battery Master exclusion list

Is it possible to include an exclusion list for Battery Master power draining apps? For example I've got warning all the time about Android Auto and TomTom even the phone being charged on USB.

Germans by Star III
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Zenfone 8 - Bottom LED Notification

1. Charging limit function - whenever i used charging limit function up to 80% charging, the LED not even turning green. Hence, it defeat the function of LED to told me that it is done charging to 80% (green).Hope you can make the LED compatible with...

Bigger Icons

Please add sizeable icons to the launcher, or fix the dpi of the default launcher.The icons are way too small for a 6.7 inch screen (see attached)
