When Asus lite l1 get pie update ?
As asus says Asus Zenfone Max pro m1 / m2 are pure stock android device then why can't they provide stock android features they are not providing basic feature of stock android that is multi-users, Adaptive Battery and Brightness, App Actions, Lockdo...
Why not U add basic featuresGallery ' music & audio wizard Asus Zenfone max Pro m1 not stock Android & not pure android. It's customise zenui .I m 100% sureCamera app kachra hain u known it phir bhi kuch improve nhi I want pixel master app Sound qual...
Is There Any Chances Of Getting Android Q To Asus Zenfone 5Z In Future? Do We Get ZenUI 6 To The Same Phone? And Any Possibility or Planning Of Providing Gcam To The Flagship Phone?
Worse case in 5zMany time (8/10) fingerprint does not work at all to unlock the app. Most of the time it does scrolling work on the app lock page.But sometimes both face unlock and fingerprint does not work. It is very irritating when u have to manua...
Worse case in 5zMost of the time fingerprint (8/10) does not work in app lock.( Fingerprint does scrolling work but does not unlock the app)Sometimes both fingerprint and face lock does not work. It shows camera locked(even I have not covered the ...
@CH_ASUS I bought zenfone 5z in oct 2018, got pie update in January 2019 as asus promised and now some reports suggests that Android Q will be excusive for 5z users first & we get new zenui 6 with that update in 2019 only but what about after 2019 wi...
Kyc update problem
when we expect for ZenUI 6 for Asus Zenfone 5z....
Previous Dr.Zen badge ( or position) is missing in new website... May I know the reason?In my case, I worked as Dr.Zen but I has to start from level 1 in this new site???