Rising Star II


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@CH_ASUS 1. When I turn ON Screen recorder & play carrom disc pool I noticed lags while Playing it. It's not smooth like before firmware. 2. While Play audio in Poweramp and when I start Screen recording then it makes noise for 3-5 seconds.Audiowizar...
Just tried Astrophotography mode yesterday on Gcam v7.2.14 and the results are amazing! RAW+ Lightroom 1st image: SS:25, ISO:43 2nd image: SS: 24, ISO:44 I'll make a guide with Gcam v6.2.030 (for pie)and v7.2.14 (for Android 10) and post soon.He...
why no moderators are responding when asked about Arcore?It's a must feature in 2019. Google released AR navigations, 3D AR model in Google search and playground in Google camera which requires ARcore support but being a 2018 flagship Sadly Asus Zenf...
It's shame that every 2018-2019 mid-range smartphones have AR core support but the Asus Zenfone 5z which is a 2018 flagship doesn't have AR core support. Now without ARcore support we cannot get AR navigation in Google maps, 3D animated AR model in G...
@CH_ASUSDoes Mi 27w super fast charger qualcomm 3.0 compatible work for 5z?product link:http://m.store.mi.com/in/item/3192900008#specs