05-19-2019 05:14 AM
So I just had this phone for 4 days, and already on the latest oreo update. Curious to see if there is some update that I didn't get via FOTA, I decided to search for some info, and found that there is an pie update. And after some reading it seems the official pie update is only released for the India variant. It already stated that it is specifically for 601 yet people with different phone model still try the beta one and then complain about bug that I'm pretty sure they already aware of it (or did they?). I know maybe I'm not the one who talk as I just had this phone for 4 days, but can't you all just be patient for them to released the official update? Why did you update to beta update, not to mention it's not for the 602 model, and then complain when getting a bug? Did you all just want to show off to people, like "Hey I got a pie android I'm so cool" thingy ?
I mean seriously just be patient, the latest oreo update is already stable and great in my opinion, so get back to oreo if you are on pie. And according to Mr Jei_ASUS the official pie update for 602 is expected to release on June. And if they still not release it by June, then so be it. It's not like your phone is gonna explode if you can't update to pie.
I'm hoping by creating this post there will be no more people asking about this.