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Update failed

Star II
I am unable to install last 2-3 updates everytime I try to install any update it says your phone is recovered to previous original configuration and along with that I am also facing some screen related issues. Sometime it works properly and sometimes not. sometimes I have to touch harder and sometimes it works normally.

Zen Master I
Wrong advisor


I am unable to install last 2-3 updates everytime I try to install any update it says your phone is recovered to previous original configuration and along with that I am also facing some screen related issues. Sometime it works properly and sometimes not. sometimes I have to touch harder and sometimes it works normally.

Update failed
Mention your current Firmware version first..

Zen Master III
Hi, kindly help us with the following information to find a solution to your query.
1. Name of the Asus device you are using.
2. Firmware version your device is on.
3. Elaborate more on the problem you are facing, so that we can understand your issue better.