01-26-2020 04:37 PM
01-27-2020 04:24 AM
01-30-2020 04:57 PM
wahyuqurmadi posted on 2020/1/27 19:24 Coba di flash ke stockroom aja mas.. kan kalo flash ke stockroom status rootnya hilang.. sapa tau bi ...Ga bisa om, udah pake AFT, dan click flash all.bat pas proses flash ada tulisan itu failed write protected
04-29-2020 03:58 AM
04-29-2020 04:28 AM
ZF Model: ZB602KL
Firmware/APP Version: 059
Frequency of Occurrence: Failed <Remote: Error Flashing Partition : Write Protected>
Rooted: Yes
APP Name:
HELP!!! Bricked X00T
Cant some help me. my phone suddenly reboot and cant boot to ROM and stuck at Asus Logo, i've try to enter recovery when its enter recovery screen flick and reboot again and i try to flash using AFT its say "Failed <Remote: Error Flashing Partition : Write Protected>" donno what happen never do anything to system or other, im rooted phone i only use root for Battery saving and greenyfy, and i've try to flash using QFIL and it's say failed i've attach QFIL log in rar file.
i hope someone here tell me how to fix this, or maybe my EMMC broke?
HELP Cant Flash Bricked X00T its say Write Protected
3loksaiyBoth of you facing the same during trying to flash a ROM to recover your phones stuck at boot loop (at Asus logo), and you are seeing that error because the bootloader is in locked condition for both of your devices . You can't go for a Recovery firmware flashing in this condition while your bootloader is not unlocked. Thats why you got that error.@egha5037 Hii, Have you solved that error. Please help me I am also getting the same error.
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