02-06-2019 08:15 PM
02-11-2019 06:50 PM
02-27-2019 05:46 AM
02-27-2019 05:51 AM
Selena_ASUS posted on 2019/2/12 10:50 Hi sarz21453 Please kindly provide me your phone’s firmware version.Hello.. yes, not only two but sometimes even more. Can you help fix this kind of bug? Actually we have two ZB631KL. One from my father.. and we have the same issues about that duplicated messages...
02-27-2019 05:53 AM
Selena_ASUS posted on 2019/2/12 10:50 Hi sarz21453 Please kindly provide me your phone’s firmware version.I disabled the stock app "messges" and installed another. But its the same.. the recepient get two the same message sometimes, when my signal is 4G..