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Bootloop issue on my Asus MaxPro m2

Star I
Since latest FOTA update I was facing minor issue but today in morning, I couldn't start my phone as its stuck on Asus Logo.
I'd never expected from Asus this kind of problem.
I've lost my all data in the phone.
Please do replacement of my phone.,
Plesase do needfull.....


Zen Master III
Hi there, kindly check your Personal messages, and provide us with the details asked, so that we can help you better.

Star II
This is become global problem for max pro m2 whose always install update patch android ,, the phone get bootloop not even recovery mode power + volume bottom button can't be acces,, and when you try to bring to the service centre they told you to change motherboard beacause the ic getting weak for whose fault it is cause the fota update by asus not even gonna take responsibility for it and uou have to pay again LOL.

Star I
Whatever they do, this is the first and last time I will ever choose ASUS. Pathetic brand!