01:46 AM
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01:06 AM
07-18-2020 10:19 PM
RezaargaBro itu bakalan di suruh ganti motyerboard seharga unit baru 2 jt an lebih kalo ga salah,, mending jual aj atau tuker tambah xiaomi ,,Me too... My phon Asus Max Pro M2, stuck on asus logo, cannot enter recovery mode only csc safe mode, its stuck since last update...
What firmware? I dont know, its an auto update...
Now my phone still in Asus service center...
When i check RMA status on web, the result is :
Terima kasih atas pertanyaan anda! Produk anda sudah diluar masa garansi / ada kelalaian pemakaian dan akan dikenai biaya perbaikan. ASUS service center akan menghubungi anda dalam waktu 3 hari untuk konfirmasi biaya yang dibutuhkan
(Translated: Thank you for your question! Your product is out of warranty period / there is a negligence of use and will be charged a repair fee. The ASUS service center will contact you within 3 days to confirm the fees required)
I dont know how much it will cost...
But Omg... Negligence of use?? Its your update that brick my phone... Its not my negligence...
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07-20-2020 02:49 AM
Bro itu bakalan di suruh ganti motyerboard seharga unit baru 2 jt an lebih kalo ga salah,, mending jual aj atau tuker tambah xiaomi ,,
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07-27-2020 08:50 AM
07-29-2020 11:47 PM
08-05-2020 06:46 AM