05-23-2020 04:30 AM
06-20-2020 01:09 AM
09-14-2020 06:54 PM
sasiarun55is this fixed yet aur not ??The same happened to me today it was fine before and all of sudden I can't charge the phone when is on but the charger is recognized when phone is in off position. I'm using the stock charger but I have also tried different chargers and cables. After the last update I got a chrome issue which I have take care of by removing updates. Now this Asus please help.
- Model Name: MAX PRO M1 (ASUS_X00TD)
- Firmware Version: PKQ1.WW_phone-16.2017.2004.063-20200407
- Rooted or not: NOT
- Frequency of Occurrence: I can't charge my phone So ?
- APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
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