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ZenFone 9 randomly restarts

Rising Star I
Hi all,
I bought an Asus ZenFone 9 from the UK online store. I started to migrate the apps from my old phone to the zf9 and once I finished I started to use my new ZenFone 9 as my main phone. However, I noticed around 3 dso that when i wentato unplug a fter charging the phone it looked as if it has been restarted. I thought it was a software update that somehow just did that so I didn't pay attention but then it repeated again and again every day since.

I started paying attention to it and started trying to disable certain features to see if that made a difference: disabled mobile data, left everything on and now I'm on airplane mode with WiFi on.

I upgraded to the latest version that was pushed some days ago hoping that it would magically solve the issue but... it didn't!

I quick Google Search revealed that sadly this issue is not that uncommon, and has already happened in the UK and Germany to other ZenFone 9 owners.

Is this a hardware problem? Is there a fix or a patch other than simply perform a factory reset and keep seeing the same issue? Can please someone from Asus look into this issue?
Plehank youase tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: ZenFone 9
Firmware Version: WW_32.2040.2040.23
Rooted or not: no
Frequency of Occurrence: every day
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): not related to an app
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.


Scenario: use the phone as usual, leave the phone idle a few times a day, at some point, when you try to use the phone after it sat idle for some time you'll notice that it had restarted because you'll be asked to enter your password again and about/ status will show an up time of just a few minutes
291 REPLIES 291

Star III
At this point I would think that phone is not produced at high levels. Most of the production was before making it available. Most likely the first batch is out, production is at very low levels to none, monitoring market uptake. Based on online availability of it, it doesn't look like a block baster.
This is the reason that I doubt that changing the board can help much. If I understand correctly it mostly happens when the phone is not in use, indicating that something in the low power state handling is broken. The phone tries to wake for some background activity, something is broken during the wakeup, and we get the reset . Probably the new Qualcomm device didn't get enough market exposure to flush this condition by the big guys like Samsung or Xiaomi. I'm sure that Asus kept enough phones from the production of the different locales in order to reproduce issues reported by users. It is hard to imagine that they didn't already reproduce it in their labs. The phones are out long enough, so are the reports of the random resets, and having a reset once a day or two is frequent enough.
Asus needs to work with Qualcomm on this if they didn't figure it themselves by now.
It would be nice if Asus can comment on this, though it is understandable that they don't want to make it public, especially if sales are not that great.
edit: Also if this such a rare hapenning then it is pretty easy for Asus to replace these defective items under warranty. My guess (again) is that it is frequent enough such that they prefer a quite SW based solution.


It's been 3 days since I turned off the Smart Screen and I haven't had any more spontaneous reboots. I'm still with 2050.29 now I got the new update to 34. Do you recommend me to update? In my opinion the reboots that happen when using it are related to the Smart Screen.


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Hey @Airedale,
I have mentioned it to the R&D team. As for the latest update, I think you should go ahead and install it. 🙂

Rising Star I

Hey @Airedale,

I have mentioned it to the R&D team. As for the latest update, I think you can go ahead and install it. 🙂

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It was in reverse to understand if disabling the Smart Screen was really the cause of the spontaneous reboots. For this I thought it might be better to stay on firmware 2050.29. Then I proceed with update. Thank you

Star III
Based on the reports that the resets are not happening while using the phone, it indicates that these are related to low power handling. I would guess that the phone enters low power state, once in a while wakes for some background maintenance activity, at this point something malfunction and the phone resets. Further guessing it is related to enabling power to various elements in the phone where something is not well coordinated and one area is not powered up at the right time.
I would also assume that production quantities are really low at this point. Most of the production was already done before making it available. Meaning that replacing the HW or the phone, is likely to end with a product from the same production batch. If it is a matter of sequencing power wakeup flow, and some variance in components timing, it can happen in any production batch.
If this happens to a very low number of phones, it is easy for Asus to replace them. I think that it is a lot frequent, and Asus doesn't want to make it public to hurt sales which I estimate not to be too glorious. They prefer releasing quietly a SW fix and not suffer a hit on the brand.
Another guess is that they already have it reproduced in the their lab, it is frequent enough to get it, and if it not that frequent then they can replace the defective phones under warranty.
Most likely the new Qualcomm device issues were not identified by the big guys (Samsung, Xiaomi, etc.), Asus already knows what the cause or where it is occur, and if not they should contact Qualcomm for help fixing it.

Star III
What would be appreciated is to know if Asus, in the event that they do not find the origin of the problem, is going to say what we should do and not wait for each person to act in their own way.