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ZenFone 9 randomly restarts

Rising Star I
Hi all,
I bought an Asus ZenFone 9 from the UK online store. I started to migrate the apps from my old phone to the zf9 and once I finished I started to use my new ZenFone 9 as my main phone. However, I noticed around 3 dso that when i wentato unplug a fter charging the phone it looked as if it has been restarted. I thought it was a software update that somehow just did that so I didn't pay attention but then it repeated again and again every day since.

I started paying attention to it and started trying to disable certain features to see if that made a difference: disabled mobile data, left everything on and now I'm on airplane mode with WiFi on.

I upgraded to the latest version that was pushed some days ago hoping that it would magically solve the issue but... it didn't!

I quick Google Search revealed that sadly this issue is not that uncommon, and has already happened in the UK and Germany to other ZenFone 9 owners.

Is this a hardware problem? Is there a fix or a patch other than simply perform a factory reset and keep seeing the same issue? Can please someone from Asus look into this issue?
Plehank youase tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: ZenFone 9
Firmware Version: WW_32.2040.2040.23
Rooted or not: no
Frequency of Occurrence: every day
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): not related to an app
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.


Scenario: use the phone as usual, leave the phone idle a few times a day, at some point, when you try to use the phone after it sat idle for some time you'll notice that it had restarted because you'll be asked to enter your password again and about/ status will show an up time of just a few minutes
291 REPLIES 291

Star III
Now this is a very good community effort! I am pretty sure this is a sim card related network issue.
First month of usage I never experienced any random reboot but I did have an issue: at least once a day the phone would lose the internet signal and the only way to get it back was by forcing a reboot. Very annoying.
After a month the random reboots started but interestingly, I did not lose the internet signal any more. I now have between one and three per day, never when the phone is in use, but rather when it's sitting on its own. My suspicion is that when the phone struggles with the signal, it then self-instructs a reboot. Hence an idea, if people haven't tried this yet. Using the phone without the internet (still with the active sim but no data) to see if the issue persists...

Rising Star I


Now this is a very good community effort! I am pretty sure this is a sim card related network issue.

First month of usage I never experienced any random reboot but I did have an issue: at least once a day the phone would lose the internet signal and the only way to get it back was by forcing a reboot. Very annoying.

After a month the random reboots started but interestingly, I did not lose the internet signal any more. I now have between one and three per day, never when the phone is in use, but rather when it's sitting on its own. My suspicion is that when the phone struggles with the signal, it then self-instructs a reboot. Hence an idea, if people haven't tried this yet. Using the phone without the internet (still with the active sim but no data) to see if the issue persists...

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@Jack81 really interesting feedback, thanks!. So, in your case the random reboots became worse more recently (in comparison to what it was when you bought the phone). Could we say that the latest firmware made a difference your case? (in case there was such a change in Android 13?). could it be the case that it fixed/replaced mobile data requiring manual reboot by a random reboot every x days?

What you have suggested trying, I already tried it at the beginning of the issue and it did not work. In my case, it didn't matter having the SIM card with data enabled or not, as long as the card was enabled the phone would restart. Mind you, that I posted here one of my tests with WIFI ENABLED while on airplane mode. Having the SIM card completely disabled but WIFI ENABLED solved the issue for me, have you tried that? could you try it? (if that's possible) are you experiencing restarts more frequently now or does it still take more than 2 days?

The theory of the SIM card and signal I have seen it before with Xperia phones. It has happened that if you put a SIM card without any active service the phone would struggle to get signal and this would cause a considerable battery usage that would translate into having a battery that discharges faster but nobody ever reported having a random restart.
@Dranivil What was the frequency of random restarts when you bought the phone and inserted the SIM card for the first time? has it changed for better or worse?
you mentioned that "I've really only had 3 reboots in 1 month. The first 2 reboots had 4 or 5 days between them" but you didn't specify for how long you have owned the phone and whether anything had change since you bought it.

Such interesting findings!
I'm trying to summarise the current status to help the moderators or whoever lands here, please, correct me if I misunderstood any of you.
Summary at the moment
What we have had / have in common:
The phone randomly restarts when sitting on its own (within 2 days*)
Some *EXCEPTIONS or interesting highlights found:
@Jack81 reported issues with SIM data ENABLED at some point at the beginning of the issue happening consistently every day. However, more than 2 days passed without issues (first month). Unsure how often it happens at the moment.
@Dranivil the phone takes longer to restart but it still restarts. He mentioned it takes several days before it restarts
@Gosia Also mentioned that it takes days to restart but then it could happen 3 in a row, along with possible WIFI connectivity issues. Only case reported here where the restart happens while the phone is being used.
Total number of people who have written here so far: 17
Number of people who have experienced random restarts: 15
Number of people who have experienced random restarts at least after 2 days: 3
Number of people who have experienced random restarts within 2 days: 12 (subject to anyone claiming the opposite)

Star I
I have been following this thread as I have also had this issue. Today I had my phone in airplane mode with WIFI and Bluetooth enabled and it froze for 5 seconds and then rebooted. I have experienced several reboots each day with different variations of connectivity enabled.

Rising Star I

I have been following this thread as I have also had this issue. Today I had my phone in airplane mode with WIFI and Bluetooth enabled and it froze for 5 seconds and then rebooted. I have experienced several reboots each day with different variations of connectivity enabled.

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Hi @Wardane ,
Thank you for your contribution. May I ask a few questions:
Where did you buy the phone? (country or region?)
Does it always restart when in use and also while not in use?
How long has this been happening for?
have you experienced any change in behaviour since you bought the phone or rather it has been the same from day one?
(I haven't slept much with this issue😫, so, still testing with my phone...)

Star I

Hi @Wardane ,

Thank you for your contribution. May I ask a few questions:

  • Where did you buy the phone? (country or region?)
  • Does it always restart when in use and also while not in use?
  • How long has this been happening for?
  • have you experienced any change in behaviour since you bought the phone or rather it has been the same from day one?


(I haven't slept much with this issue😫, so, still testing with my phone...)

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I purchased my phone off eBay. I am using it in the USA on Mint Mobile.
I have had it reboot both when in use and not in use.
I noticed the issue in the last 4 weeks. It could have been happening longer.
I didn't notice it when I first got the phone. It seems to have developed recently.