I got some comparison shots between Zenfone 9 and Samsung S22 from a German Forum that I wanted to share here as well in hopes the Devs do after all read these forums. Top is the Zenfone 9, bottom the S22:
It clearly shows, that the Zenfone has a ton of sharpening applied to the photo in post processing. Only when applying heavy sharpening and saturation to the Samsungs Image you get a similar result. Again top is the Zenfone 9, bottom the S22 edited:
Since the result of the editing apprach hints at the fact that the sensor data of the Zenfone was once similar to the Samsung S22s I assume a correction of the postprocessing algorithms should easily fix this issue that a lot of people are talking about currently when it comes to the camera.
Asus: I’m sure you can do better and confident that you are able to deliver more natural photos. And I would highly apprechiate if you did.
I’ll just leave this here.