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VoLTE and VoWIFI in Orange PL

Star III
I saw discussion in the post about VoLTE in Malaysia and saw that VoLTE is being brought to various networks there. I had hopes that VoLTE and VoWIFI would be introduced in this newest firmware update to users that use Zenfone8 in Orange PL network, however it did not happen.
I would like to ask Asus representatives on the information about that and possibly some time schedule, as I sinicirely believe that it is just the matter of time. I hope that this is not the question "if?" this is going to happen and rather "when?" !
Thanks in advance,

Star III

Udało mi się dowiedzieć paru rzeczy u źródła - Orange PL.

Telefon nie przeszedł testów do certyfikacji dla ww. usług.

Dostałem poradę o założenie tematu na - jeśli będzie duży odzew - operator ponowi testy w celu certyfikacji i jest szansa na aktywację.

Kto zainteresowany proszę o podbijanie tematu tu (proszę dodać https:// - dalej nie mogę osadzić linków na tym forum):


I managed to find out a few things at the source - Orange PL.

The phone has not passed the certification tests for the above-mentioned services.

I was advised to set up a topic on - if there is a big response - the operator will re-test for certification and there is a chance of activation.

Who is interested, please raise the topic here (please add https: // - I still cannot embed links on this forum):

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Super, dzięki za info, zaraz to ogarnę!!
Cool, thanks for the info, I'll get on it right away!

Rising Star II
T-Mobile PL unlocked VoLTE for this phone and it's unusable, because of interruptions in voice, I had to switch it off. On a half cheaper Realme everything works perfectly. I'm starting to understand why Orange is blocking Zenfone 8, and why more providers won't unlock it.

Rising Star II
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