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More Scumbag Behavior from ASUS -- This Should Be Illegal

Rising Star II

The latest updates I found regarding ASUS Unlock tools are not looking good:

If you haven't watched Louis Rossman's latest, you should: the comments are full of exactly what you would expect -- horror stories about ASUS' terrible practices and customer service.

ASUS seems to enjoy extorting customers -- we will unlock your phone for a fee, using a product we lied about releasing for over a year, to enable a feature that originally came with your phone... This must cross the threshold into criminality, don't you think?

Additional source: there are other correlating comments from users there as well.

Maybe every single user of this ZenFone forum should be flooding the "executive care" email "" to reexamine not only their bad RMA experiences but also this bait and switch and "we'll do it for the right amount of money" tactic?