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Problema con la carica pianificata

Salve, ho un problema con la carica pianificata: quando attivo la carica pianificata e imposto un orario e successivamente esco e rientro in powermaster o giro semplicemente il telefono in orizzontale gli orari cambiano ogni volta in modo diverso.
Sbaglio qualcosa?


Hall of Fame III

Salve, ho un problema con la carica pianificata: quando attivo la carica pianificata e imposto un orario e successivamente esco e rientro in powermaster o giro semplicemente il telefono in orizzontale gli orari cambiano ogni volta in modo diverso.

Sbaglio qualcosa?

Problema con la carica pianificata
Please, English only
Find the app info of power master and reset storage and cache. This normally fixes the clock issues

Star II
Hi, I've the same question, so, if the problem was the english traslation, I reply the question to You.
Hi, I have a problem with the scheduled charge:
when I activate the scheduled charge and set a time and then I go out, and come back in the powermaster
the times shown has changed each time differently.

Am I wrong something?

In other words: how do this function works? the start and end time inserted are more then 4 hours distance,
but the time result after reselecting this functionality changes everytime!

Rising Star I

Hi, I've the same question, so, if the problem was the english traslation, I reply the question to You.

Hi, I have a problem with the scheduled charge: 
when I activate the scheduled charge and set a time and then I go out, and come back in the powermaster
the times shown has changed each time differently.

Am I wrong something?

In other words: how do this function works? the start and end time inserted are more then 4 hours distance,
but the time result after reselecting this functionality changes everytime!

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As said by Anders, this is a bug in the Power Master app, just delete its cache and storage and the time will be set correctly, I had this bug too and I can tell you it works now.
Just go in Settings, Applications, look for Power Master, clear its cache and storage and now you can set back your battery settings and the time will be saved correctly and won't change anymore.

Grazie mille, problema risolto