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What a mess!

Rising Star II
I bought the 30th anniversary edition and I had to change it because the GPS has a 20-meter displacement of reality. The new phone presents the same problem, but ASUS Spain says that it does not know this problem.
Is it possible to fix the problem or do I return the phone?

Rising Star II
I think this is a bug. When a battery saver mode is activated (less than 10% battery), each time the device is unlocked, the notification skips as you can see in the video.

Rising Star II
Once it's okay, all the time it's annoying. If silence, I will never listen to it and I think it is necessary to hear it only the first time.

Rising Star II
It seems that it is necessary to have activated the high precision option in the GPS so that the operation of the light at sunset / sunrise works correctly after turning off and on the device.

Rising Star II
Is it possible that you do not press with your face on the screen during a call?
I am not sure that the illuminated screen is also shown, but if the screen presses occur.

Rising Star II
Another error: the location icon in the notification bar is only white, when the background is white it does not change color like the other icons and cannot be seen.