02-04-2021 01:42 AM
02-04-2021 01:54 AM
tegarasmoro51This is EN forum, for better assistance & help please post your query in english inorder to avoid confusions & misunderstanding with mods & other usersPlease tell us some basic information before asking for help:
- Model Name:
- Firmware Version:
- Rooted or not:
- Frequency of Occurrence:
- APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
- ASUS 6z
- can't check
- not rooted
saya dari Indonesia, saya sangat kecewa sekali dengan zenfone 6 sudah ketiga kali nya saya mengalami kerusakan pada motherboard secara terus menerus, setelah melakukan pembaruan perangkat dan sekarang kejadian terulang kembali setelah update android 11 ketika memulai restart tidak menyala-nyala sehingga tidak bisa di charge sama sekali dan masa garansi zenfone 6 saya sudah habis dan tidak tau gelaja nya, lalu saya bawakan ke servis center ke 4 kali nya takut nya masalah motherboard terulang kembali. sekarang saya tidak tau lakukan apa lagi , saya sudah cari info forum ini bagaimana cara mengatasinya dan saya sudah kecewa sekali
Motherboard zenfone 6 rusak(dari Indonesia)
02-04-2021 03:46 AM
tegarasmoro51I'm sorry to hear this but it sounds like you're having hardware issue so it's only a service center that will be able to help youPlease tell us some basic information before asking for help:
- Model Name:
- Firmware Version:
- Rooted or not:
- Frequency of Occurrence:
- APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
- ASUS 6z
- can't check
- not rooted
"I am from Indonesia, I am very disappointed with the zenfone 6 it has been the third time I have experienced damage to the motherboard continuously, after updating the device and now the incident recurs after the android 11 update when restarting does not turn on so it can't be charged the same once and my zenfone 6 warranty period was up and I didn't know the symptoms, then I brought it to the service center for the 4th time afraid that the motherboard problem would repeat itself. now I don't know what else to do, I've been looking for info on this forum how to fix it and I'm already very disappointed"
Motherboard zenfone 6 failure(dari Indonesia)
02-04-2021 08:13 PM