Alright found how to do it. I only wasted 4 hours.
Install Termux and Termux:Widget an icon you want to use, 96x96 works good
Launch Termux and run
mkdir .shortcuts
cd .shortcuts
echo "am start -n com.asus.fmradio/.FMRadioUIv3" > "FM Radio"
chmod 700 "FM Radio
mkdir icons
mv /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage/shared/Download/YourIcon.png ~/.shortcuts/icons/"FM Radio.png"
Return to the home screen and hold your thumb where there's no icons and tap Widgets. Scroll down to Termux:Widget and select Termux shortcut. Tap FM Radio and then drag the icon to where you want it.
Here are a few icons I pulled out of the FM Radio app you could use