ZenFone 6
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Forum Posts

Back glass shattered. Do we have spare in service.

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: 6zFirmware Version: latestRooted or not: notFrequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above, please also provi...

Phone rebooted then died

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ZenFone 6Firmware Version: Android 11Rooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: OnceAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app):In addition to information above, pl...

hewer by Star II
  • 5 replies
  • 5 kudos

Can´t change the Keyboard

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ZenFone 6Firmware Version:WW_18.0610.2103.137Rooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: alwaysAPP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): KeyboardIn addition to ...

MichaK by Star I
  • 1 replies
  • 0 kudos

call problem after 137 update

Model Name: ZENFONE 6Firmware Version: ZS630KL_EU_18.0610.2103.137Rooted or not: NOT========================================Hi, after the .137 update when I receive calls, I answer I hear but the others don't hear me, if they call me back everything ...


Why if i used white colour wallpaper it become more darker in home screen? Why the wallpaper can't give the real white colour as wallpaper??

HDR video recording

Can we have HDR video recording for future update because I want to make content video with HDR feature but I don't have much budget to buy another gadget maybe asus can provide this feature I would be very grateful, thank you very much

auto rotate dont working zenfone 6

hello users, I have a problem with not working auto rotation, does not work since the update of Android 11, previously worked without a problem, factory reset does not help anything, auto rotation works for it normally on external applications downlo...


All audio Aptx options grey out, HD audio grey out, no radio with bluetooth over the ear, no option for WH-1000xM3 with audio wizard, no balance cursor for audio.How come?

Asus 6Z : Suddenly stopped working, Dead

My Asus 6Z has gone dead unexpectedly. This happened while using the camera app, it restarted three to four times before becoming completely unresponsive. The last time I had started it in safe mode after noticing the strange behavior, that did not h...

Problémy s aktualizací na android 11

Po poslední aktualizaci se telefon sekne a vypne a nejde zapnout třeba i 5-10 minut. Špatně se mi zobrazují, nebo se vůbec neukazují notifikace (všech aplikací). Když mi například přijde zpráva telefon zabrní, ale obrazovka se nerozsvítí. Nejde otáče...