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ZenFone 6
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Forum Posts

Dead phone after update from .73 to .110

Updated from "WW-17.1810.1910.73" to "WW-17.1810.1911.110", with ASUS website's file.First reboot after installation: everything smooth and doing okTried to turn off the phone via the power menu: phone is now deadThe display doesn't turn on.Pressing ...

M_K by Star II
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Problem: Alarm Clock Xtreme Pro doesn't show full screen alarm

Hi! As the subject says, my prefered alarm app "alarm clock xtreme pro" only shows up in the notifications, when the alarm starts. So I have to pull down the notification bar and then stop/snooze the alarm. Are there any other users facing this probl...

Sudden death

My Zenfone 6 has just died. I was checking my e-mails using gmail app and all of the sudden the screen turned off.The phone is 7 months old. I've never experienced any random reboots or hangups . It has never been dropped and was well taken care of. ...

cienko by Star III
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Chrome does not work properly

Hi,Chrome does not work properly. Suffer freezes, or strange functioning. Even to post messages in Zentalk there are problems. Nothing is corrected with a reset.@Anders_ASUS

fjaviergj by Rising Star II
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Problems with WhatsApp twin app

Hello, the problems are two:The images are displayed in the gallery because there is no use in the ".nomedia" file in the image folder of the twin application.The option of adding a new contact or an existing contact from a WhatsApp user that we did ...

fjaviergj by Rising Star II
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Papel ASUS after update 110

Hello, after update 110, the ASUS Paper application consumes battery at the same rate as the screen. He had never given me any consumption b efore. I did a phone reset but everything stays the same.@Anders_ASUS

fjaviergj by Rising Star II
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Restarting again and again after updated to android 10

My asus 6Z was working well.But after I updated it to android 10.It is restarting itself again and again.Its really irritating as it interupts everything.If i off my mobile data the phone restarts.If I uninstall any app..It restarts.I'm regretting no...

Podcast Addict Background Play gives PowerMaster Warnings

Hi, I have a problem with the app "Podcast Addict" on my ZF6. The PowerMaster Tool gives me warnings while playing in background all the time. It doesnt matter, if I put power optimization on or off. there anything I can do? Anyone out there having t...

Battery Master smart switch

Hi,I have enabled smart swithch by schedule for battery modes, but doesn't work. In the evening it turns on and set the phone to super saving mode, but next day when it is supposed to switch to normal (balace) mode it doesn't ... I have to do this ma...