11-21-2019 04:55 AM
11-25-2019 04:21 AM
11-25-2019 04:47 AM
CH_ASUSIt's the second one, when music app is active in background but paused,alarm comes and dismissed music app starts on its own(its random doesn't happen everytime but does happen)Hi
Tried it with Spotify and also cross-checked another vendor's phone on Q.
Works as intended but I am not sure this is the same situation as you are seeing;
1) If Spotify is playing a song, alarm comes, Spotify Pauses. Alarm dismissed. Spotify resumes playback.
2) Spotify is active, song is paused. Alarm comes and dismissed. Spotify remains paused.
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11-25-2019 04:50 AM
11-25-2019 05:36 AM
prashanthCould you mention which music app?https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/comment/30107#Comment_30107
It's the second one, when music app is active in background but paused,alarm comes and dismissed music app starts on its own(its random doesn't happen everytime but does happen)
It happens even when after disconnecting call(random)
I observed it many times so i don't think I'm accidentally touching anything
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