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ZenFone 5 Photo Thread!

Hall of Fame III
It has been requested that we start an official photo thread, so here it is 😊
Think about this when you post your photo
Please state if the photo has been captured with ZenFone 5 or 5z
Were you using ASUS camera app or 3rd party?
Was the photo taken by hand or by tripod.
Please don't make any image enhancements other than rotating the image. These images should represent what you can expect to achieve with a ZenFone 5 or 5z

Community Legend II

It has been requested that we start an official photo thread, so here it is 😊

Think about this when you post your photo

  1. Please state if the photo has been captured with ZenFone 5 or 5z
  2. Were you using ASUS camera app or 3rd party?
  3. Was the photo taken by hand or by tripod.
  4. Please don't make any image enhancements other than rotating the image. These images should represent what you can expect to achieve with a ZenFone 5 or 5z


ZenFone 5 Photo Thread!
Yay....! here it is,thanksalot mod this was needed so badly 😊
Here we start our camera journey with 5z & 5

Community Legend II
Captured with :- Zenfone 5z 🤳
Used camera app :- pixelmaster :camera_with_flash:
Taken by :- Hand
(no edits)
Few moments are ment to be captured
"Sharing love is the only way towards happiness in animals & mankind "

Zen Master I
A view from lockdown

Captured with:- Zenfone 5z
Used camera app:- Asus Pixelmaster
Taken by:- Handheld
(No edits)

Zen Master I
Captured with:- Zenfone 5z
Used camera app:- Asus camera app
Taken by:- Hand
(No edits)