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Unlock Device App does not unlock bootloader

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: Zenfone 5 ZE620KL
Firmware Version: WW_15_0610_1801_42
Rooted or not: NOT
Frequency of Occurrence: Always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Unlock Device App

The program does not unlock the bootloader, writes (An unknown error occurs, which may be a network connection issue. please wait and try again later)
125 REPLIES 125

Star I
Same Problem. Trying to Unlock my old Asus Transformer TF300T . I have owned it since new from last 2011.
Model Name:TF300T
Firmware Version: JOP40D.US_epad-
Rooted or not: NO
Frequency of Occurrence: Always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Unlock_V8
"unknown network error, please wait and try later "

Star II
Same Problem here I am not able to unlock my bootloader with the unlock tool. Please help as soon as possible.

Star I
This is my info:
Model Name:ZE620KL
Firmware Version: WW_V16.0615.2005.130
Rooted or not: no
Frequency of Occurrence: always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Unlock Device App V9.1.0.7_180912 / V9.
Error message: "unknown network error, please wait and try later ".

Star I
Model Name:ASUS_X017D
Firmware Version: WW_V16.0615.2005.130
Rooted or not: no
Frequency of Occurrence: always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Unlock Device App V9.1.0.7_180912 / V9.

Community Legend II
Hi friends
For the unlocked tool issue, kindly wait for my reply. Sorry for any inconvenience it may caused.