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[Not a bug, clarified] New camera bug after latest .87 update for 5z

Community Legend II
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:
Model Name: ZS620KL
Firmware Version:
Rooted or not: not
Frequency of Occurrence: always
APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): camera app
In addition to information above, please also provide as much details as you can, e.g., using scenario, what troubleshooting you've already done, screenshot, etc.
While recording video from front camera, the recorded video appears to be flipped even after save as flipped option is kept off kindly look into this issue @CH_ASUS @Anders_ASUS
Also tried restore to default settings in camera but issue exists 🤦🏻‍:male_sign:

Answer for thread:-
Hello everyone again m editing this thread as query which we all are considering it as a bug is a standard intended behaviour of camera for selfie video recording The flip camera setting is only for photo. Selfie video has always been flipped to show text correctly.

Star III
No auto-update is available.
Yes, I know a manual update is an option.
But many users got a notification for Fota update on the phone.
Any solution to get fota update on the device.?

Community Legend II
Shubham Agarkar

No auto-update is available.

Yes, I know a manual update is an option.

But many users got a notification for Fota update on the phone.

Any solution to get fota update on the device.?

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I checked manually by going to system update in settings option check for update and got a fota
If u dont get FOTA,As update is released in batches wait for some time u will get it in coming 1-2 days mostly (keep checking)

Community Legend II
Shubham Agarkar

Nop this is a standard thing on .70 too...

Even we turn off save as flip it is saved as flip.

This happens only for video

For photo, it works fine. And for video, there is no such option available in video section.

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If it is same behaviour than it may be carry forwarded but dont you think we should get exact recording what we record? Why always flip sometime because of fliping i dont see myself as satisfied result in recorded video
This should be adjusted isnt it?
May be this is bug from .70 itself which we noticed now lets see what mods have to say on this😊👍

Zen Master III
Hi there, thank you for highlighting the issue. We have made a note of the feedback and will share it with the relevant team.

Rising Star II
The front camera video flip bug has been there since Android 10 back in November 2019. Have reported it before. No solutions so far. Another such bug is in call log, icons are shown for outgoing calls only. For other calls, no icon is shown that space is blank, its not a big deal but just looks weird and ugly.