Last edited by thomasmann on 2019/3/7 07:29
Thank you for your answer Jei...
Once again logging into the forum took 15 minutes. I had to get a reset on the password!
Language Problem: EVERYWHERE, trying to register the phone, trying to register in the forum, even on the phone itself.
When I try to regsiter my phone, the software actually tells me that my SN number is wrong, which it is NOT even after the third time I checked, and I find it a bit insulting as a customer to waste half an hour, because I want to ask about the language for which NO extra information is needed. Still, Assus wants me to ask the BIOS version... AND THERE IS NO SIMPLE WAY TO CONTACT ASUS AT ALL, to ask such a simple question.
The problem are the people who write retarded software. They assume that everybody who is in Japan must be Japanese and speaks and reads Japanese.... So they save everybody the two seconds it takes to click at the language that one WANTS to use...
"ZenUI is the user interface on our ZenFones"
What kind of advantage does it actually bring? And as there does not seem to be one single thing, what do I do to get rid off it, when it always comes up, when I connect my phone to my computer
Also., I get a warning that I am logging from an unusal location and should change my password. Thank you, but I do not need any advice and I prefer to log in from where I chosse...
Thanks, Thomas