04-12-2020 01:21 PM - last edited on 01-16-2024 01:06 AM by ZenBot
09-08-2020 11:17 PM
09-28-2020 11:16 AM
09-28-2020 10:48 PM
02-15-2023 11:17 PM
Hi there,
I had the same error and more:
1. First I tried to downgrade the official beta Android 9 back to official Android 8, but received a "pkg_security = 1909 older than device_security = 1910" error. No way around it with locked boot loader.
2. Then I tried to unlock the boot loader with official boot loader unlock apk, but also that didn't work due to network error (the service was probably shut down by Asus?).
3. After unlocking the boot loader the official downgrade gave be the "Failed to mount /factory: Permission denied" and "Failed to mount /asdf: Permission denied" errors.
The solution to quite simple and will link the required files as well:
1. Unlock the bootloader with this tool https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=889964283620760073
2. Put your phone into fastboot mode (power + volume up) and connect to your computer
3. Run ze554kl_unlock.bat
Source: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/unofficial-bootloader-unlock-program.3692193/
TWRP 3.1.1-0 install is not required, but nice to have anyway: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/recovery-official-twrp-3-1-1-0-for-ze554kl.3692195/
4. Download a fastboot flashable firmware like this one: https://vnrom-my.sharepoint.com/personal/june30_vnrom_net/_layouts/15/download.aspx?SourceUrl=%2Fper...
Source: https://firmwarex.net/asus-zenfone-4-ze554kl-official-firmware/
5. Put the phone into fastboot again (see above)
6. Run ze554kl_auto_flash_raw.bat
7. Now all is good and you can update to latest Android 8 following the official way.
BTW: The unlock boot loader too above can also relock the boot loader with: ze554kl_relock.bat
Cheers, Jens.