Asus ZC520KL Unlock Failure
ZC520KLPKQ1.181203.001.WW_Phone-16.0200.1907.18-20190817NOAnd failedUnlockToolUnlock failed, Android 9.0 failed, Android 8.0 failed...
ZC520KLPKQ1.181203.001.WW_Phone-16.0200.1907.18-20190817NOAnd failedUnlockToolUnlock failed, Android 9.0 failed, Android 8.0 failed...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ASUS_Z01KD Asus Zenfone 4 (ZE554KL)Firmware Version: Can't find it but I'll attach prints of all the about and relevant screens.Rooted or not: NoFrequency of Occurrence: Current...
Asus zenphone 3 camera& flash light not working
I have a strange problem with my old asus ZenFone go (ZB551KL)When I select a new wallpaper, it seems that it changes (when I open the menu showing all apps, I see the blurred shadow of the selected wallpaper). However, when I am on the Home screen, ...
I need help with my cellphone, I bought it on November 2018 in Black Friday in a Colombian store (as I reside in Colombia) and all seemed to be cool with it, until like 2 months ago, when I started to have problems with the camera, as when I use my c...
When will Asus OFFICIALY Release The Pie Update (Not Beta Pie). Im waiting for it for like 5 Months already, please Asus Make it Quick.Peace Out
кто нибудь ставил на asus zenfone 4 max zc554kl андроид 9 , всё ли работает (камера и остальное железо)?
Hi guys. Last night, my phone suddenly became unresponsive to touch after charging. I tried restarting the phone and even a hard reset/ factory reset (2 times) but its still unresponsive. After a few minutes, my phone is now responsive and I thought ...
I can't take the selfie . I need help please.Thanks
My phone is ZB520KL, in pro mode camera, the lower shutter speed is only 1/4 sec, i hope it can go to 32 sec, please help