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ZenFone 11 Ultra
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Forum Posts

Asus Zenphone 11 Ultra 5G support!

This phone is being delivered today by Amazon and just read an article that it doesnt support mmWave 5G (no full potential speed of 5G). I wonder why Asus did what it did, when other less powerful than 8Gen3 SoC can do it?Also if any of you folks kno...

Reposting this again: Hi Asus Moderators please enlighten me!

Dear Asus Moderators and Asus Developers!Kindly englighten me and other audio enthusiast whether Zenphone 11 ultra supports audio over USB C port. I don't know if it's a marketing gimmick or purpose of HiRes logo imprinted on the box is for, when the...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Resolved! Gboard height setting missing!

Hi peeps anyone notice Gboard heignt setting missing ? I don't if it's a Asus thing or Google thing.If anyone of you know the workaround do let me know.Merci

Anonymous by Not applicable
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[ZenFone 11 Ultra] Join the Android 15 Preview Program!

Hi ZenFone 11 Ultra (AI2401Z) users,   We will soon have the newest Android system on ZenFone 11 Ultra. ASUS hereby sincerely invite you to participate in this preview program to experience Android 15!   Q1: What is the Android Preview Program? Ans: ...

Laura_ASUS by Community Manager
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Resolved! Option to disable AudioWizard please

Dear Asus Developer,As an Asus fan, I jumped at purchasing the latest ZP 11 Ultra despite having option to go for other brands. One thing is you are the only manufacturer after Sony, who still offers 3.5 jack.Now you have in a way disregarded the use...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Anyone else immediatly loose signal when you try to call someone?

I have the Zenfone 11 Ultra, have had it since July and only until the last month have I started having a very peculiar problem, about half the time I try to call someone, my phone drops all service for ten seconds and reconnects the the network. I h...

gomas by Star II
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