03-05-2022 08:51 AM
03-05-2022 01:06 PM
03-06-2022 04:40 AM
03-06-2022 11:05 PM
03-07-2022 01:55 AM
aau aauHi @aau aauWhoops i started with the conditions with caps lock at ON and just never looked back.
Can you check whther intel command center in System(foursquare boxes in a square shape in the left bar)> Hardware(top horizontal bar under System), does it recognize the lower display under "Monitor", it is the last column(2,2)
Secondly can you check whther under Power( next to hardware under same menu), do you have settings for both charging and battery and what toggles you have under those settings, my Power settings contains these toggles
(Display Power savings)-- Power Efficiency bar(1-6)
---Enhanced Power Saving(on-off)
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