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photoshop exposure slider clicks on UX535

Star I
System: Zenbook pro 15 oled
Battery or AC: both
Model: ux535li
Frequency of occurrence: 100%
Reset OS:
Screenshot or video:
Detailed description:some photoshop sliders cause an audible clicking sound - eg exposure and hue/saturation. Anyone know why and how to stop? Thanks

Community Legend II
Hi there,
Can I have a video record of the issue ?
Please share your BIOS version, OS version and Photoshop version as well.
Thank you.

Star I
Bios is UX535LI.315
OS is Windows 10
Photoshop 2022.
I cant' get a video of this as it really is extremely quiet... but noticeable.
It's not limited to Photoshop... simply scrolling a web page up can cause the same sound.

Community Legend II
Hello Den,
If you lift the laptop or tilt it, do you still hear the sound?
And where does the sound come from? near the speaker? the fan?
Thank you.

Star I
Hi Blake
Actually yes... I do hear it when I tilt. I have taken a photo and marked where the sound seems to emanate from. Also, have managed to get a recording by placing the mic at this spot and adjusting an exposure slider.
I noticed that when I turned over the machine and listened I could hear a similar sound while it was busy installing a windows update too... without any other activity.
I've attached the photo and recording.
Your help is much appreciated