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stylus pen

System: Battery or AC: Model: Frequency of occurrence: Reset OS: Screenshot or video: ========================Detailed description:

Zenbook 14 UX435EG MyAsus App and ScreenXpert not working

I recently had my new computer serviced to get rid of minor adware and set up McAfee and Microsoft Office. When I tried to use the MyAsus App and ScreenXpert they no longer worked. The MyAsus app shows blank and when trying to change the mode of the ...

Zenbook Pro Duo UX581GV Screenpad ghosting pixels

Model: UX581GV.308Frequency of occurrence: AlwaysReset OS: YesScreenshot or video:Battery or AC: BothSystem: Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19042S========================Detailed description:The 2nd screen of the UX581GV has ghosting pixels showing some lines o...

Liviu by Rising Star II
  • 9 replies
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Zen Pro Audio Jack Loose Contact

System: Windows 10 64bitBattery or AC: N/AModel: UX581GVFrequency of occurrence: AlwaysReset OS: N/AScreenshot or video: N/A=======================Detailed description:Very hard to get onsite support for my new Zenbook Pro in India. Firstly, I contac...

New laptop of inferior quality?

I've bought new Zenbook UX325J which looked really great! It's slim, powerful, and cool!Then, within he first month, issues started to happen... At first, there was screen flickering for a second. After a while, the screen started turning off randoml...

UX581GV keyboard backlight

Can anyone confirm that the keyboard backlight (F7 key) works when in the BIOS setup screen? I'm trying to narrow this down to a missing driver or a hardware issue.

Resolved! Asus Ux325ja not charging after myAsus applied new firmware

Hi,MyASUS app installed automatically newest firmware for charhing via usb-c. After installation usb-c doesn't work, it's not charging and Device Manager shows UMC UCSI ACPI driver error.Any ideas how to fix it?

FN Hotkeys Stopped Working After Windows 10 Update

System: Windows 10 Home Insider PreviewModel: UM431D=======================Detailed description:Hello,I Bought an Asus Zenbook 14 UM431D Today And Started It And Completed The Windows Setup And HotKeys Was Working Fine But After Updgrading Windows To...