for your last question, it would be usefull to know the monitor name to check wether it supports such features or not. In your situation, i would check the information about your monitor again and try to find out wether it supports such features or n...
btw. I just found the email from which i got help with some other stuf i hope this one also works (i am quit sure i was asked to repley on an email comming from this adress so...)
depending on your position you could trade it in at best buy or maybe a different local store at your location the only trade in program i found was one from december 1 to 31 without any information aobut the year.
i just went to their .com page and that is what i found : Contact Us | ASUS to me it seems like you do not have to fill in your serial number. this email is written in their terms and conditions so that meight also be an opti...