Star III
since ‎07-27-2022

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  • 39 Posts
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I opted in the ZenFone 8 Android 13 Beta program. It hasn't started yet buy I found this link.Android-13-Beta | ASUS GlobalWhat's the difference with this one? From the link, one can already download the 2.33GB file to flash.A little help and info. T...
Hey guys. I know Asus messed up with the .113 update. But at least I discovered something good and I challenge you guys to confirm it.We all know the Zenfone doesn't have the best figerprint sensor. Especially for me coming from Moto 20 Edge Pro (sid...
ASUS, pls fix the broken Adaptive Refresh rate. Make it simple as other phones. Max refresh (120hz) when interacting with UI and revert to lowest refresh (60hz) when the screen is static. AS simple as that and I know many would be happy!The 90hz is b...
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