It might me hw problem, but about a month ago GPS start working really bad. No lock even if there's only clouds. Yes, i've tried switching to performance mode, etc. Was there any wanna be power optimization in latest software updates?
I've noticed that games are using this value.Is it possible to set different feedback level for games and UI? Games feel better when it's on max and for GUI it's too much.But on level 2 of feedback some vibration feedback is absent in games at all. F...
I've just upgraded to Android 13 and it looks like GPS improved for me. I got a GPS lock in house and i couldn't yesterday, weather is prety much the same.
My GPS stopped locking normally too. It still works fine under clear sky, but i've use it for navigation almost daily and it was working fine till some unknown thing happened. I suggest there was some sensitivity / power tweaks in one of updates.