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Hello Asus community,Is it technically possible to share the mobile internet of ROG phone 2/3... plugged into the ZS660KLD dock, via its Ethernet port? (Actually, I know it's possible, so my real question is:"Does ASUS' software engineers intend to k...
Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: ROG Phone 2Baseband version M3.23.44.9-Yoda_001522Kernel version 4.14.117-perf android@mcrd1-16 #1 Fri Sep 25 19:32:13 CST 2020Build number QKQ1.190825.002.WW_Phone-17.0240.2009...
Model Name: ROG Phone 2, plugged into the dock station ZS660KLDFirmware Version: 17.0240.2007.27 (Android 10)Rooted or not: No!Frequency of Occurrence: Always.APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): Power Master -> Battery Care====...