heitorhalajkoMoro no BR e gostaria de saber quando vai ser lançado o Android 10 para o zenfone 5 pro selfie. Todos os aparelhos por aqui já possuem tal tecnologia. Aguardo um breve retorno. View postSe depender da ASUS e das falsas promessas deles, i...
Hi there. Any app that uses DRM or crypto services for security (Netflix, bank services, even Pokémon, etc) consider the system as untrusted when rooted/unlocked. Best regards.
Hi there! I got the same problem and last week I've reseted my phone to factory default (reseting and cleaning the apps didn't work), and then the camera in third party apps come back to a good quality, almost as the main Asus camera app. Also, it cl...
Hi there!
First thing, dumb but it's a first, check if your NFC is really turned on. If it's on, restart the phone.
If that didn't solve your problem, test if your NFC is working; search for "NFC test" in Google Play Store and test with a NFC tag o...