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[Resolved] Bootloader relock does not restore Widevine L1

Star II
Hello ASUS,
There's several reports out there that after unlocking the bootloader and relocking it does not restore the Widevine L1 certification. Device remains with L3 keys only.
Wondering if this is intended and why. Every other major OEM out there that I've had a phone from, allowed L1 to be restored after relocking bootloader.
It's really not understandable that ASUS want's to create and foster a Custom ROM scene for their devices, by sending phones to selected developers, and then penalizing clients that want to be part of that same movement.
Speaking for the entire community, since I'm sure everyone shares my point of view, if reacquiring L1 certification is not possible after unlock, is there any way for ASUS to change their hearts on this matter? That is, if technologically possible (e.g. if keys are not deleted...).

Star I
@krishna charan
Which fastboot qfil you flashed? after that bootloader already locked
and the 2nd point , I should enter to ROM in-order to enable usb debugging? and inorder to setup developer mode I have to complete setup mode.