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Problem with right Air Trigger

Rising Star II
So I'm having a problem with the right Air Trigger of my ROG 2. What happens is that it has some sensibility issues, sometimes you press it and it flickers. Something I noticed and this only happens with the right AirTrigger is that if you force press it, it stops from working. Whats going on?

Star I
I'm having issues with my right air starts flickering in game I have my fire buttons on it sometimes it does not even fires and sometimes it fires but won't stop...can anyone help me with this issue.

Rising Star II
I'm facing these exact same issues as well.

Star III

I am also facing the same problem. It flickers. I have my scope on set on the right trigger. Whenever I try to use it starts flickering ans scope gets in and out very fast.. seems it's not working properly but the left trigger which I use for firing is absolutely fine. Please help.

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I haven't got any official reply from asus... Now my phone gets switch off anytime all of a sudden.. and even my usb cable doesn't support fast charging. I m using some other cable to get the fast charging. If I use the asus original cable then it take 1day to charge full. I tried using the asus cable to connect on my pc but it shows only charging n no option to transfer file or anything. So I beleive the problem is in the cable not on the charger as charger is giving fast charging when I use some other fast chary cable.... But the switch off problem is annoying. Sometime while gaming, sometime while charging and sometime while on call.. o don't know what to do as even lockdown is there.. please help me my device is just 4 or 5 months alll @asus

Star I
I have the same problem. So annoying! I really regret buying this phone.

Star I
Same problem to me, impossible to play fps games at this time. If it's not going to be fixed, ill go to warranty with option to get back money if its still persists. Yea, right air trigger flickers when u touch it. Paid 750 euros for that? What the hell!!?