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FB live is cropped on games under Game Genie

Star II
I installed Facebook gaming (FBG) since Game Genie only has inbuilt live support for Youtube and Twitch. And I have all my games added to Armory Crate so the device is automatically optimized when I run them. First thing I noticed is that armory crate or game genie is blocking FBG when I started to stream. The game will fire up and optimized by GG but the FB icon will not appear so I can start streaming unless I disable the X mode or remove the game from armory crate completely. Second thing is that, when streaming games that is under game genie, the viewer will see a cropped view of my stream. The display appears to be too big it doesn't fit on the screen during live but the recording appears normal after the live stream. Please note that if I remove the game in armory crate and started FBG live with a game, the process will go smoothly and the live stream is displayed correctly.

Hall of Fame III
Facebook Gaming isn't available in Sweden so I've forwarded this to our devs, so they can try and replicate these issues.
Thanks for letting us know!

Star II

Facebook Gaming isn't available in Sweden so I've forwarded this to our devs, so they can try and replicate these issues.

Thanks for letting us know!

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Thank you so much for attending to this concern, appreciate it!

Hall of Fame III
I've finally got a reply from our developers
To get FB Gaming working, you need to add it in Armoury Crate first. From Armoury Crate, start FB Gaming, press go live and choose your game like you normally would.
The issue with a cropped view during the live stream is a FB Gaming app issue according to our devs so please report this to Facebook

Star I
Hi, im from Malaysia. Now using rog 2 and have a problem with live streaming to fb, there is no option for live at fb. Only have for youtube and twich. I hope there is a option for fb also because i dont wanna use 3rd party apps for live streaming at fb, i hope u can assist me. Thanks