03-24-2020 11:59 AM
03-24-2020 02:21 PM
04-01-2020 12:25 AM
ArjwanCould be that you expect it to work just as well as when playing PUBG on a PC and the other guy didn't have any expectations at all. Maybe you move in a different way compared to the other guy and your game style reveal the limitations with translating hardware control to touch input.hello there i buy asus rog phone 2 with mobile dock
i really buy this phone cuz i'm playing pubg mobile and other game
so i'm care only using keyboard and mouse with pubg mobile
when i use the dock the mouse not moving great , the settings not even great with the game
if someone here did use mobile dock and it's work with him great 100% pls share us what did you done
this phone it's cost a lot and what i'm seeing here no one answer and no to slow to answer in forum , can you pls tell me what i can do with this issue
i have the phone almost 2month now and i can't even play with it
i have 3 keyboard and 2 mouse and i was think all of them didn't support the game , so pls i hope i get some real answer here
if asus made a great phone i hope they also having a great support to fix all the issues cuz this phone is RARE and not a lot of ppl having the same our phone
thx and i really hope to find answer here
pls any support here can answer me