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No Android 10 yet and its already mid December

Not applicable
I honestly don't know what Asus is thinking and doing with the ROG Phone 2 as their Asus 5z also got android 10 update as well as the 6Z also got it but this is very shameful that the ROG phone 2 is left behind where all the competition has rolled out android 10 to their flagships but Asus is sleeping somewhere.
If we can't get updates on time then what's the meaning of flagships and investment so much of money into a specific device where we have many options in competition where we feel cheated as customer that we are left behind for updates.

Rising Star II

ROG Phone II will use Project Mainline just like ZenFone 6 which means that security updates are pushed out separately.

We wish we could update all phones to Android 10 in one go but we can't. If we had focused on ROG Phone II first, then all ZenFone 6 customers would have been angry or all ZenFone 5z if they had to wait.

Android 10 is coming so please relax, it's basically around the corner. The beta testing has just started and now we have to find and kill as many bugs as possible.

A lot of users thinks that when Google has released a new version of Android, then all we have to do is to add our wallpaper, some minor tweaks and we're done. This is so far from the truth. It still needs A LOT of work from a big software team before it can be realised. Even the Pixel phones doesn't use the same code as the one they release to manufacturers. Luckily we can reuse a lot of the code from ZenFone 6 in ROG phone II which means that it has already gone though some beta testing but new bugs will of course emerge since they are not identical.

Let's just hope that there are not too many bugs because the time frame is decided by when it's stable enough to be released

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You didn't even read my comment, did you?
I was asking about frequency and duration commitment of security updates.

Rising Star II

You didn't even read my comment, did you?

I was asking about frequency and duration commitment of security updates.

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Erm I think he only pointed it out in the first sentence only ?
I think he meant that it is a bit hard to get the security patches out like what we were told in the youtube videos since they have other platforms too and I am just guessing he can't give you a concrete answer on that.
Quoted from Anders
"ROG Phone II will use Project Mainline just like ZenFone 6 which means that security updates are pushed out separately"

Rising Star I

You didn't even read my comment, did you?

I was asking about frequency and duration commitment of security updates.

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He did and he answered.. if you didn't understand or didn't catch on.. read on about project mainline.. search project mainline on google..

Rising Star II

He did and he answered.. if you didn't understand or didn't catch on.. read on about project mainline.. search project mainline on google..

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Thanks for pointing that out, Cheers!
But I am just going to post this article for anyone else who wants to read it.
Project Mainline for Android 10: What it is, what it isn't, and how it works

Rising Star II

Erm I think he only pointed it out in the first sentence only ?

I think he meant that it is a bit hard to get the security patches out like what we were told in the youtube videos since they have other platforms too and I am just guessing he can't give you a concrete answer on that.

Quoted from Anders

"ROG Phone II will use Project Mainline just like ZenFone 6 which means that security updates are pushed out separately"

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He did and he answered.. if you didn't understand or didn't catch on.. read on about project mainline.. search project mainline on google..

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Thanks for pointing that out, Cheers!

But I am just going to post this article for anyone else who wants to read it.

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Thanks for pointing it out. But correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't Project Mainline is only for phones which ship with Android 10? Seen this on several Reddit discussions.
Btw I was asking minimum update period information like what Nokia, Sony, Pixel provide. For example Nokia promises 18*months of Android updates and 24* months of Security updates. Similarly Sony has 24month update policy.
Help me know if Project Mainline replaces these timeline promises.