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ROG Phone II
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Forum Posts

Warranty related issue

Hello...if my mobile phone warranty left for 2 days,can service center fix my phone's problem under warranty ??

Adaptive refresh feature

Asus team,. We would like to have adaptive refresh rate feature in Rog phone 2. Which will save some battery. Can we get it? Could you consider for future request?Regards


Model Name:ROG PHONE 2Firmware Version: ANDROID 10Rooted or not: NOTFrequency of Occurrence:APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): GAMES ALLcan't play games on this 40k.any games like pubg cod after few minutes the phone will free...

Battery life

I remember that after one update, users report a problem with too fast battery discharge. Asus has released updates but this problem has not been fully fixed. The battery continues to discharge quickly and I will give you a specific example here.Me a...

Tomas83 by Star I
  • 8 replies
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Phone switches off when plugged to charging

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: Asus ROG2Firmware Version: Android 10 Kernel: 4.14.117-perfRooted or not: Not rootedFrequency of Occurrence: Evertime I plug the phone for chargingAPP Name & APP Version (If you...

GameBot by Star I
  • 5 replies
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Speaker volume gone down

The speaker volume of my rog 2 has gone very low. I visited service center. He says to replace the display to repair the speaker. What do I do??

Service centre charges and anyway to help my issue

Please tell us some basic information before asking for help:Model Name: rog phone 2Firmware Version: latestRooted or not: not Frequency of Occurrence: nil APP Name & APP Version (If your issue relates to the app): nilIn addition to information above...

Daulat by Rising Star II
  • 3 replies
  • 1 kudos

What do i do? My ROG PHONE 2 shutdown automatically

With my 1 year savings I bought ROG PHONE 2. I was very excited. I bought this phone to play similar games with PUBG Mobile. But this phone disappointed me. It gets shutdown anytime. My 1 year full savings were ruined by purchasing this phone.Some sa...

Just see the difference after disabling the 2nd sim

This is the issue i'm facing since very long. Most of the time even after disabling the second sim won't make any difference i have to put my phone on flight mode several time, and when i'm using hotspot i need to make sure my phone's screen is on ot...

ROG 2 broken in 6 months 2nd up

I see many similar post, seem like ASUS doesn't care about after sales service, spend so much so support even I wish to buy ROG4 after launch, now my ROG2 use around 1 year then because of auto update, then phone become random restarts, cannot even...